A New Perspective

I’ve decided to speak about something very interesting and beautiful and it’s bound to be something we all don’t see eye to eye on. Something called perspective.

Perspective is the point of view by which all things are seen. That being said, each person will have their own unique perspective on every single experience they have. That means everything they may see, hear, smell, taste, feel or understand will be distinctly unique and vastly different to anything you may see, hear, smell, taste, feel, or understand. The main reason for this is because who we are today is made up from all of these past and present experiences, choices and decisions we’ve made and no two people have lived their life in the exact same ways. With this understanding, it becomes easier to understand why people have hard times with friendships, why romantic relationships don’t work, and why families break apart. It’s rough and we can do better. But we’ll get to this later

We need perspective to function! Perspective is the very thing that enables us to make decisions, feel emotion, and have opinions. The stronger our past experiences with a certain topic, the stronger our emotional connection and thus, the stronger our opinion will be. As I’m sure we all know, this is where the challenges arise. Arguments ensue, fights break out, and things are said. Regret (This is one I’d also like to talk about in another post) often soon after follows. And this leads me to my point: unique perspectives often make it harder for people to get along.

So… I believe most people can agree that it’s pretty important that we get along in at least the most basic degree of human function. To me that means basic human civility such as looking people in the eye, smiling at them, exchanging short pleasantries, not wringing their necks out etc. , and in order to do that, I’d like to propose an idea. Perhaps we should try viewing things from others’ perspectives. This isn’t a new idea, but it is one we don’t think about often enough. I know this for a fact because every day all I hear is screaming from one person to another and screaming right back. Fewer and fewer people are willing to try and at least understand what others are saying and it is to the detriment of all of us. Now I’m not saying we need to like, agree, or change how we think or feel about things, but if we can understand others, we might be able to find even the smallest piece of kindness and compassion in our hearts and be able to share that with them.

I know this isn’t a revolutionary concept, but my desire is that by being able to break this down and being more willing to talk about things like this, we may buy ourselves a little extra time before we ultimately destroy ourselves in flame.

Take everything one step at a time, and you can do anything.

Love always,


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