Hello World

When I first considered writing my thoughts and sharing them with the internet, I was petrified. Then I realized that the internet, and it’s inhabitants, are truly just a swirling cesspit of human beings just like me. Human beings who are afraid. Human beings who feel joy, experience tragedy, are easily angered, yet love without assurance they’ll be loved back. I’m not afraid anymore.

Hello World.

My name is Corey and this is shaping up to be my think space. I have a profound love for all things beautiful, and I just think everything is beautiful. I won’t reveal any more about myself now, but my  hope is that as we venture on this journey you will learn a bit about me, but more importantly, yourself. A great teacher of mine once told me “all great stories are detective stories” and this whole think space is a place of discovery for our story. This story is about figuring out who we are, and I’m excited we get to go on this journey together.

Moreover, I’m ecstatic to share the notions and ideas that riddle me into the twilight of night, and begin mocking me the moment daylight touches my face. I guarantee you they will cover a broad spectrum of the human experience, but I will do it in as few words as it takes for me to express my consistently convoluted mind.

Let’s be honest: ain’t nobody got time for a 12 page position paper with peer reviewed sources from scholarly journals.

It’s just you and me, and maybe we can make it through each day easier once we gain a greater understanding of the faces around us or new perspective on some of the uncertainties in life. Maybe we’ll even discover that it’s not quite as bad out there as we thought.

I’ll be back soon.

Love deeply and profoundly,

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